Saturday, September 15, 2007

my heart bleeds....

my heart bleeds..
my heart bleeds..

when i see beggars torn out in their worst..
when i see babies being used as baits for alms..

my heart bleeds..
my heart bleeds..

when i see people being hurt in accidents..
when i see people losing their loves on roads

my heart bleeds..
my heart bleeds..

when bomb blasts kill innocent lives..
when kidnaps make families apart

my heart bleeds..
my heart bleeds..

when i see orphans in orphanages..
when i see dying destitutes left alone in oldage homes..

my heart bleeds..
my heart bleeds..

when i see families getting sepearted..
when i see parents losing their children..

my heart bleeds..
my heart bleeds..

when i see animals being killed horribly..
when i see fellow creatures not getting food..

my heart bleeds..
my heart bleeds..

when i see pain in the world
when i see tears in eyes..

my heart bleeds..
my heart bleeds..

but i know i cant do anything..except pray for the peace of the world....



RM said... sad one...

RM said...

nice sad one..yeah heart is broken and again u broke by nt adding me in keep updating ur blog and do check mine...regards