“What are you aspiring to become when you grow old?”
“Oh my grand daughter will be a bureaucrat”
“We want to her to be a doctor”
“I think she should study engineering, there are plenty of seats available in every college and she can also earn lot of money”
“Your horoscope says you will be a scientist”
“You should probably become a singer because you sing well”
These sounds always haunted me. When I reached my teens, everybody except me, had dreams about my career. Who ever visited our house, would ask me what I wanted to become! I am not sure if they would seriously help me, if I say that I wish to become a sky diving instructor. But they definitely want to know what I would become and then give me some lecture about, “how I should study well and dream about my future” and then leave peacefully to their houses after they dump all their frustration on me. They do it, may be because their kids never listen to them, or may be it gives them some psychological satisfaction and a feel of achievement when they throw free knowledge!
Whatever it was, these rhyming sounds of what I would become always haunted me! I was literally smothered by the very idea of “no-idea-what-to-do” after I grow up. As a kid, I was into many cultural activities like singing, dancing, theater and each time I performed on stage, the spectators would assume, I would become a legend in the respective field. My extended family thought I would become a bureaucrat because; having a car in the household and some power in hand always fantasized them. They always slept through my eyes and dreamt through their minds.
In high school, there were many choices as to what to choose for college. When I saw my friends how clear they were in their vision, it surprised me. I always wonder how they know what they wanted to do. Either a doctor or an engineer! They know what to choose between these 2, because these two professions were trends at that time and also moneymaking jobs. I felt very suffocated with just 2 options. I wanted more. I never saw myself fitting into those shoes because I never wanted those shoes in first place! Yet, I dint know what I want.
I still remember the incident when my mother and I were having a conversation about a dress.
“Mom, I think I will wear it during my graduation days”
“Oh, so you want to do just some degree and not medicine?” my mom said instantly.
“Oh my, when did I say that?” I choked
“You just said that you want to wear it in your graduation, but you dint say that you will wear it for medical college” she grumped.
I instantly realized that I have to be real careful while choosing words and should not just mention whatever comes into my mind. Yet, it was very difficult for me to concentrate on many things. Days went by and finally the time came when I had to make a decision what my major would be. I thought I should also aspire to become a doctor like my father! Oh no, don’t get me wrong; my father is not a doctor. He too always aspired to become a doctor like my grandfather who served in military as a doctor. So, the concept of aspirations started form my father and inherited to me. Eventually my father never became a doctor!
But I love to become a doctor and I know it is a difficult task to pass the medical exams. It is no less than rocket science for me. I wasn’t pretty sure, if I can grill myself to become a doctor like my peers, who study for 18 hours a day. I can hardly keep my eyes on the books for 5 long minutes. 18 hours is a nightmare for me.
I can’t try in theaters because, my parents for who even movie posters are a matter of disgrace, having their daughter in theaters is an insult! They will disown me if I reveal my intentions. What about becoming a bureaucrat. I felt becoming a doctor was much easier. Options like singing and dancing- ah no, they don’t fetch me any money.
Apparently, I chose to become a doctor and majored in biological sciences. My real nightmares started then. I saw my peers studying like aliens. They don’t know what they have to eat for lunch, but they definitely know how the rat’s digestive system works.
I tried to make a few friends in my class, but no one was interested because I always claimed that becoming a doctor is a funny thing and knowing what we are, we should not be doing it. I was poor in understanding the plants and animals and also my classmates. I could never draw pictures. I argued with my lecturer in zoology class when he tried to make fun of Amoeba (shapeless single less creature) drawn by me. He mentioned in the class that he never saw such a shapeless creature. I claimed that amoeba is a shapeless creature and we can draw it the way we want!
My botany lecturer made a huge red mark in my answer sheet one day and showed it to me asking what it was. Her face frowned when I mentioned that it was a potato.
“Potato??” She asked me with her eyebrows in air.
“Yes mam, it is a potato” I replied.
“But potato doesn’t look like this. It is neither round, nor toroid, what is this?”
“Mam, that’s why it is a potato. A shapeless vegetable!”
She gave me zero marks and warned me to learn how to draw.
These incidents made a deep impact on me. I realized that becoming a doctor was not just my cup of tea. After swimming through many such hard waves, I finally reached the shore, but just a different shore. Definitely not the one I had to reach. But who cares, a shore is a shore. If things were so sure, then even Columbus and Vasco De Gama might not have discovered USA and India respectively. So, a shore is a shore.
My parents were more than upset, as I could not become a doctor. But the real forks in road appeared now. What to do in life? I had to choose between 2 major careers. Either become a microbiologist or choose a different path. I chose the different one. I chose the road hardly travelled. I assured my father that I wish to become the first of all than one in many.
I chose to become an environmentalist. The road hardly travelled by any. If not for this fork in the road, I would not have become what I am today. An ardent environmentalist, a young achiever and a researcher in a prestigious Environmental school. These were just few of many credentials that I acquired for having to take a right decision when I had to. Now all my classmates are just doctors! But I travelled around the world, met people, did assignments, achieved many degrees and awards.
Today -I am what I am.
Good one swats..everyone go behind the career which makes more money but nobody really choose what they really wish to do..U r one such lucky person..
Its amazing that you chose the road less traveled and became an environmentalist....
Not many have the courage to do such a thing...
money is superficial, for all I know
I read all your posts, with every post, your writing skill is improving, this one was really awesome. you make the reader, feel yr state of mind. keep posting
So thats why you asked me to read this post...sounds quite similar to what I experienced during those days..but I appreciate you for your choice....And the best thing is that you succeeded in what you chose..
Well....my story is a little more painful and i didn't have courage to post in on my blog..
May you get the same success in all your future Endevours....
choosing that particular "fork" was also difficult. But once you choose, the travel is smooth. May be I dont earn $$$ as my peers, but I enjoy whatever I do :)
Hey Swathi...
This post is excellent..remebers me of the pressure to join MPC just bcz my sis was into BiPC...Still I regret for it...They would have given me a chance to choose my career nd now I feel I am fit for nothing nd left as a house wife taking care of the kid...I always wanted to learn dance..but .......::(But you are really great which I always feel.....You have choosen a path whicj u feel best suits you....Wish I had a bit of dareness at that time rather than feeling bad of myself at this point...Time never goes back....and I wish it goes back to a point where I can choose my own career..:(
hehe, i thought u r gonna mention some cousin of you. goodone swati
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