My parents always taught me not to day dream. It doesn't mean I sleep during day time. No, strictly I was never allowed to. But, they always made a point that we know the truth- we are allowed to travel by Rickshaw and not Auto rickshaw every time. We are allowed once-in-a-year trip to our relatives' place and one out-of-state trip once in 2-3 years. But no day dreams of singapore and paris tours. We are allotted a "cool" drink once in 1-2 months but there is always "cool" water in Fridge. Its ok to dine in a restaurant once in a year, but never more than that. A new dress on every birthday and just for new year and diwali. But never before or after that. These were our little aspirations.
So, we grew up enjoying these little comforts according to the schedules. We know they exist, we enjoyed them but never dreamt to have too many. my mother would take us to the shopping center where the stores of gold jewelry would shine during evening. We window shop for sometime, come home and discuss about our favourite ones. We don't have enough money to buy but have too much of self respect to just go inside and enquire about it. So, window shopping was just fine. And then, when our parents have budget to buy some gold, my mother would suggest, we buy a good one which is thick, big and has lot of design than just buying 2-3 plain ones. So, we end up buying a single bangle and convince ourselves that we can wear a watch on the other hand or pair it up in the future.
Such single bangles are the existing witnesses of our middle class life and how we dream of having certain luxuries. That single bangle might have eaten our savings of 2-3 years. But it enticed us in our childhood. It would grace us on many occasions. Those pendant less chains, studs sans danglers, single bangles- witnesses of little struggles of middle class families in India.
At least our family :)
I belong to a similar kind of family and that's how I can say I totally understand :) But I think we're lucky to come from such families coz we learn things like hardwork, and saving. We also know the value of money better than richer classes.
waw....... very true! nothing to say muc abt this post....it makes me little nostalgic.
I am making a statement here....."I Love You for this post"
It simply made me realize where "WE" belong...I can relate to it and I found my goosebumps all across the body....
Wonderful narration of 'US'..a middle class family..
I can relate this to myself...Just that with time I've lost interest in what all I loved as a child but couldn't have it...
A really nice heart-touching post...
'WE' are proud to belong from here..realizing the value of money, the hard work we put in and the little happiness we get..'WE' live the life in real sense..
You make me feel!<3
Girl.. With hardwork and talent you could easily get into IIT's, IIM's, AIIMS etc and start earning 30 to 50 lakhs per annum. You were born poor, it's not your fault. But, you had a chance to become rich and live your dream.
Thanks everyone for the wonderful comments. Yeah, we can relate ourselves at one or the other point.
Keep reading :)
@Raja- I wasn't born poor. I was born in a middle class family. I never aspired to be rich. I am a graduate from a B School. But money never bothered me. I am content.
Such a nice post. looks like u poured ur heart out. first time at ur space n loved it. Do visit my blog when you get time.
understood the meaning of a single bangle :)
Read 4 posts now. I fully agree with you that it is hollow slogan - India Shining. But we may be shining at the other end like topping in corruption or mismanagement or intolerance. Your being tutor was so interesting. Yes, children to teach a lot of good as we seem to forget that once we grow up. While reading about choice of career I felt as if I was the one going through that phase as it is so well told. I am so glad that you had your way eventually. Hope you let your children make their own choices. We let our children have freedom, not only for studies or career but marriage too. Travails of a middle class family told so well.
Take care
I used to love the treats coming occasionally... like going for a movie if you scored well in your exams.. getting new clothes of b'day, sankranti, ugaadi... and choosing new clothes vs crackers for diwali, travel to relatives place n choose it either during christmas holidays or summer holidays... and during exhibition in the town... i get sugar cane juice, masala laaaaarge papad, water gun/air filled ball/car. If I look back in life, I see a lot of value when I got those things... or rather when I 'earn' those things. The contented heart I found in them is no where close to those things where now I can buy things at will, watch movie at will or travel at will.
The msg that I find in this post is that you shud get things/treats in your life have a meaning and a (real) need associated. You better ensure that!
Excellent narration of MIDDLE CLASS lives dear....Lukcy WE to be born there nd I am lukcy eniugh to stay the same by marrying a guy from the same MIDDLE CLASS family which brings happiness to our family relationsip nd the moral values..:)Thank you dear..
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