"All I cant stand is... One-Night-Stand", says love guru aka apun ka Salman bhai in Partner. The sentence was too catchy and I immediately thought of writing a blog on it. I am already "in"famous for my bold nature and gutsy writing where I am criticised for making arrow-like statements which poke people in many different ways. But I dont care - as I want to write and this is my blog! So have fun reading this.
I asked some people about their reaction to a proposal of one-night-stand (henceforth i shall call it 'ons'). before revealing the response, I would like to say something about this concept. Thanks to google, I could gather some info and could get educated about this new concept. I feel it is more westernised but when it comes to an individual thing, it is global. Whatever! so ons has nothing to do with emotions and it is like -u meet someone, u go ahead and then u forget. Guilt plays no role and relationships never exist. So, it is something that has to do just with the physical desires and which is quite short term.
Now the opinions- i have asked some people about how would they react if someone proposes them for ons or if they want to propose someone else. and to my surprise, i got a mixed but quite an exciting response from everyone. I couldnot stop myself from appreciating all these people for their thoughts and also felt happy as this piece of write-up could be yet another jewel in my blog.
few guys said they dont mind going ahead if the female is smart and is interested. they opine that ons is not sin and there is no harm in going ahead if both the partners are ineterested. few of them said they would never go as they would prefer to have longterm relationships rather than having ons and experience something emotionless. few said they never got a chance and would neither dare to ask. they are also hesitant to go and are quite indifferent about the issue. but majority of the guys are not bothered and see no harm in going for ons. thats quite exciting to read.
now its time for girls. i was a bit hesitant to ask girls as they might get hurt. but surprisingly, i received a genuine response even from the girls and my happiness knew no bounds. most of the girls say they dont mind going ahead (wow!) but they should like him, get impresed and make sure he wouldnot make fuss after-math. true infact. they support their opinion by saying that they dont mind going ahead if they feel secure. hmmm impressive statement. while some girls reacted shockingly and they are like NO WAY...
so this is it..what do u say? let me know your opinion...
hey nice blog there interesting to know that u people are open minded like i am . Swats let me propose you for a one night stand do let me know if you are open to it so that we can go ahead and plan for it .Hoping to get a positive response from you and make no mistake i am handsome and wealthy as well .
Hello Anurag. thanks for reading the blog and taking some time to post a comment. I refuse your proposal and would like to inform you that I am not "open minded" like you.
Keep posting.
heya swats.. nice topic... i also read an article few days ago... http://in.news.yahoo.com/32/20080801/1072/ten-one-night-stand.html
haha... cudnt stop laudhing at comment made by Anurag..
neways.. keep writing...
Happy independence day...
so its all in the writings? damn some girls dont advance,then why this thing in the writings? R u fooling u r self or fooling others and showing that you are of a modern kind ,Or is it that since this is a open place you are rejecting,i can mail you also.
@ Vishal- Hey vishal...Thanks for the comments buddy...Keep posting...Read your blogs...looking fwd to see some more...
@ Anurag- You can always send me a mail but my answer will be the same..I go by my intuition and not by societal standards..And by the way...I am a writer and write what i like..I dont fake....where did I mention that I would go for ONS...read the blog again...cheers..seems you are i a hurry..easy!!!
ONs is every guy's fantasy and I don't mind it at all.
After getting married ONs is a big NO and any body who says that it is OK is cheating himself.
Also, any bachelor who is interested or went ahead with ONS should be able to tell about it to his future wife. The problem is most guys/girls who are interested in a ONS want to keep it a secret with their better halves and worse they want their better halves to feel that ONS is a sin, when they themselves fantasize about it.
In my opinion ONS is a decision made by consenting adults and it is not a sin as long as you are not involved in any other romantic relationship.
men women.... it all comes down 2 dat very moment... no mattr wot ppl say... wen in dat situation... u nvr knw d 1s who claim 2 b game mite chicken out n d 1s claiming 2b 1 woman/man guy/gurl wud end up having d ONS ... :P ... so u never can b sure of nething ... d human psyche is twisted my frnd... u nvr knw wot hanps next :P :P..
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